In 1999, I bought my first Wacom tablet and experimented with 3D Max and Photoshop making 2D art and skins.
For the time being I saw it as a hobby and didn't think too much of it.
Late 2000's I trained and worked as a Boiler Maker and Technical Drafting. While on the surface it may sound irrelevant to design, the use of math, Cartesian coordinates and the engineer mindset of building things correctly based off empirical data rather than just "having the best intentions" really changed my world view and approach.
In 2012 I studied Business Admin, a somewhat "dry" course. I did exceptionally well with the Powerpoint modules
and this prompted me to go "all in" with the Graphic Design Diploma (2012-2015).
As follow up to the Graphic Design Diploma, I took Interactive Games Cert IV as a "bonus stage" to develop my 3d and Animation skills a lot further.